103 Macquarie and 22 Elizabeth Street Hobart sold off market by Elders Commercial agents Richard Steedman and Scott Newton.
Elders Commercial announce the recent sale of 103 Macquarie and 22 Elizabeth Street Hobart.
This Hobart landmark asset was sold “off market” with several competing parties bidding.
This transaction is one of Tasmania largest office assets to have transacted in recent years and provides 10,757 m2* of NLA over 10 levels including retail and basement carparking.
The property was purchased by a mainland Private Family Office and demonstrates the ongoing confidence in Hobart's office market which is underpinned by a strong public sector occupancy mix and the nation’s lowest vacancy factor.
103 Macquarie and 22 Elizabeth Street Hobart sold off market by Elders Commercial agents Richard Steedman and Scott Newton.