Ray White Commercial Toowoomba Property Manager Paul Schmidt-Lee outlines the steps his team is taking to help landlords and tenants adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions.
Whilst we all acknowledge that we have previously and are currently going through difficult times - your Property Manager may be your best friend when it comes to listening to your questions and providing sound advice.
As you know, we’re in uncertain times with COVID-19 and I just wanted to give you an update on what our Property Management Team at Ray White Commercial Toowoomba is working on to try and help landlords and tenants alike.
Although we are working remotely away from the office at times, we are still able to continue doing our day to day work through the technology that we have within the office and team.
Property managers are working overtime as mediators between tenants and landlords, to help them reach arrangements that will see both parties through the next few months or more. It is certainly not about us versus them. It’s about understanding both sides of the coin and working through this difficult time together.
At the end of the day, we are experiencing a crisis and we should have each other’s backs. The goal is for everyone to get through this in one piece.
What does a Property Manager provide?
The Code of Conduct is still being put into legislation and until we see the final copy, it is all about negotiation.
Once we have the detail, we will be in touch with all landlords and tenants alike to ensure they stay up to date on the changes this new way of doing business brings.
For more information on the services of a property manager, email or phone Paul Schmidt-Lee via the details provided below.
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