Knight Frank appointed to manage Collins Arch in Melbourne
Knight Frank’s Asset Management Services (AMS) team in Victoria has been appointed by Cbus Property, ISPT and the Owners Corporation to manage Melbourne’s world-class mixed-use precinct Collins Arch, located at the corner of William and Collins Street in the city’s CBD.
High-Tech Construction Technology Employed to Deliver VU City Tower - ISPT
ISPT co-invested $150,000 to develop an end-to-end technology solution to ensure the highest calibre of construction techniques were implemented to ensure absolute site safety and efficiency through the course of the complex build.
ISPT to offer Victorian Police Station Portfolio for sale by CBRE
One of Australia’s largest unlisted property fund managers ISPT offers two Victorian police station assets for sale by CBRE Capital Markets - Office agents Tom Ryan and Scott Orchard, together with Sandro Peluso and Jimmy Tat of CBRE’s Social Infrastructure team.