Ray White Commercial Toowoomba Property Manager Paul Schmidt-Lee outlines the steps his team is taking to help landlords and tenants adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions.
Code of conduct is the key to a clear path for commercial tenants and landlords
Commercial tenant and landlord code of conduct is to be formulated over the next week in the next step of supporting businesses and the Australian economy
RBA opens-up commercial to yield-seeking investors
Commercial property doesn't come with the fast-moving capital growth opportunities of residential property. But, equally, it’s not exposed to sharp falls in value – a by-product of longer lease periods.
Dexus has announced that it has exchanged contracts to sell the North Shore Health Hub, Stage 1 currently under development at 12 Frederick Street, St Leonards.
CBRE bolsters Commercial Valuation & Advisory Services Team with new ACT hire
CBRE’s Commercial Valuation & Advisory Services team has appointed industry expert Anthony Martin to the role of Director of Commercial Valuations, Canberra